I'm here

For all those who are concerned, we made it home alright and I am loving being back! I'm getting a bit desperate to speak some German, but other than that, my family and Luke and my friends are all here... And oh my goodness I understand everything. It's incredible. Even the little kids speak Australian. Have had a few close calls trying to hand over the wrong amount of coins (they look different!) and also forgot to buy a train ticket the other day because I thought I could buy one off the conductor. I finally got back in the car too and drove the whole way to Hornsby (about 3km) on the left hand side of the road. Oh yeah!!
Hello! Glad you are home safe and well... hope you had a kick-ass birthday, and can't wait to see you again!!!
love, Jo
Yay for making it home safely!
It must be weird driving on the left side of the road again (or driving at all, no less)! I didn't have the problem of switching sides (since we're on the right side, like continental Europe). The right side is the right side, after all. :-P
And I definitely appreciate seeing the little kids speaking English, also! Now I don't get made fun of by little kids who can speak the language better than I.
welcome home steffy, thanks for such a sweet blog - its been very entertaining travelling throughout europe vicariously via your photos and stories :)
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