Steph's year in Tübingen
Photos and experiences of an Australian student in Tübingen, Germany. March 2005 - February 2006.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
Frohe Ostern!
FIVE different types of cake on offer at Easter for afternoon tea. That's how I like it! One cream cheesecake, one mandarin cheesecake, one sponge roll with a filling of nuts & Bailey's, one choc-fruit cake and one Aussie Pavlova with lotsa cream, kiwi fruits and strawberries!
Oh and how did the Easter Bunny know to leave chockies and dyed eggs in the garden here for me??
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My Room. See how many of the following you can find.
Tube of Vegemite left by Nathan (thank you!)
Reflection in the window of Rovers sticker on the opposite wall
Piece of carpet that cost 6 euros
Fit ball plugged by blu-tack because the valve doesn't work any more
Byron Bay stubby holder being used as pen holder
New hiking boots that are sooo comfy that were even on sale for 89 euros
A home telephone that is STILL unconnected after almost three weeks... worse than Telstra I tell you
A map of Tuebingen that is already at risk of wearing out (don't know what I would do without it, Thanks Lisa!)

Lucy and I at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on our 4-hour walking tour of the city. It was also my first true backpacking experience - we rocked up without *Gasp* even making a reservation! The hostel was alright, in terms of usual Scout accommodation it was actually quite alright... Except for the extremely communal showers!

Monday, March 07, 2005
First German Blog
Here I am! In Germany! Far out, Tübingen is the cutest place in the world (outside of Australia perhaps...)
I am having big trouble using phone cards from public phones so anyone out there who I should have called, or who wants to call me, you can now know I have seriously tried almost every payphone and mobile phone in Tübingen to try to call you but it just won't work. My home phone is coming in a week!!!
Anyone who wants to send me money feel free... On my shopping list at the moment I need a kettle, a toaster, a rug for my room (cold toes all the time!), a radio (can't afford a TV), waterproof boots, sports shoes, shoes for around the house, a lamp or some serious lightbulbs with better wattage...
Write to me!